Marissa Haegele
In the past, whether or not you are the type of person who is willing to pay for extra guacamole was the most controversial question related to Chipotle. But in the past few years or so, the customers have begun to question if their favorite Chipotle meal will make them sick or why Chipotle decided to cut out all GMOs.
Stories of the recent outbreaks of E. coli have been plastered over the news for past few months, and for good reason. The Food and Drug Administration reports 55 people were infected across the U.S., which resulted in 21 reported hospitalizations. Though most of this has run its course and Chipotle is now back on its feet, this has not been the only instance of Chipotle’s bad business decisions.
When Chipotle became the first chain restaurant to use 100 percent GMO free ingredients, they started a maddening descent into false advertising and preying on the generally uninformed populace to make money. As TIME magazine so eloquently pointed out, the GMO ban is superficial.
A great deal of controversy surrounds GMOs. Time and time again, scientists have proven GMOs are safe. The benefits outweigh the risks, all of which are merely theoretical at this point. The American Association for the Advancement of Science issued a statement to clear up the whole business.
“Indeed, the science is quite clear: crop improvement by the modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe,” the statement said.
The issues surrounding anti-GMO standpoints are entirely different, but it is worth mentioning that without GMOs, we would be incapable of feeding the world’s population, which is continuously growing. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates food production will have to increase 70 percent by 2050 to accommodate for the growing population.
Perpetuating a dangerously negative view of GMOs is only one of Chipotle’s transgressions. In fact, this is only the beginning of Chipotle’s string of white lies and hidden truths. Another method the chain restaurant employs to hoodwink most of the population is their claim they only use antibiotic free meat.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a great idea. Banning the use of antibiotics for the growth enhancement of animals or other production purposes is a crucial step in ensuring more ethical farming and food safety. It’s such a good idea, in fact, the FDA is making sure only veterinarians can administer these drugs for disease treatment and prevention.
When Chipotle brags about having ethical sources of meat, the FDA does not approve any meat sold in the United States unless it meets antibiotic standards. But Chipotle can get away with this marketing scheme because a large portion of its customers are readily willing to believe and admire anything Chipotle tells them.
Even though Chipotle has been enticing its customers with promised safety and free burrito promotions, these bribes haven’t placated investors. The investors filed a lawsuit earlier this month on the grounds of misleading investors. Unsurprisingly, the lawsuit surrounds Chipotle’s food safety standards.
According to the investors pursuing legal action, Chipotle has been lying about its quality control measures, and were not following the appropriate safety measures. They also accuse Chipotle of releasing false public statements.
This is only a summary, and is by no means an exhaustive list of Chipotle’s wrongdoings. In fact, it only scratches the surface. Under a colorful and friendly website design lies deception and misinformation to rope in the gullible consumer.
By no means is this a way of persuading people to stop eating at Chipotle. But the ignorance of those who nearly worship the Mexican-style fast food chain is infuriating. Many are willing to shove an oversized burrito in their face without considering the lies Chipotle is feeding them as well. Chipotle boasts “food with integrity,” but this is not the case.
Hannah Fricke (hfricke@wisc.edu) is a junior majoring in microbiology.