To start this letter, I would like to thank Dean of Students Lori Berquam for her support of student activism, as stated in her letter to the editor in last Friday's Badger Herald. The University of Wisconsin is known for its loud voice in politics, social justice and student rights; such an affirmation of support from the dean of students is refreshing.
But what does Ms. Berquam think of activism that is directed at the university administration or her office? Ideally, administrators and students would work together to come up with mutually beneficial solutions. Sadly, rampant tension between student groups and campus administrators has been a major roadblock to constructive progress. Such issues include extending the student conduct code to cover nonviolent off-campus offenses such as underage drinking, the cancelation of the Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity hip-hop event a short time ago and the battle over student control of segregated fees.
If Ms. Berquam is supportive of student activism and student rights, she should show it by supporting student-friendly UW policy — working with student organizations to come up with solutions we can all agree on. Upholding a student-controlled segregated fee system with no new restrictions on what segregated fees can be used to fund would be a great start. The review committee meets this Friday, and she's a voting member.
This letter isn't meant to criticize. Rather, it is meant to encourage administrators here to work with students in the policymaking process instead of alienating them.
Adam Sheka
UW freshman,
political science and international studies