Madison must elect a man (Will Sandstrom) who has wisdom gained from years of varied experiences. Electing a man who has no wisdom is a bad investment of votes by voters. Madison needs a mayor who will demand — as, if elected, I will vehemently demand — that Washington politicians do the following: 1. Get back into the U.S. Treasury the $3.3 trillion that President Bush allowed Dov Zakheim — who was his Pentagon Controller (of finances) — to steal from the Defense Department. 2. Get back the trillions that Bush has wrongly spent, and without covering his wrongful spending with tax rates on those best able to pay. The high tax rates on those best able to pay were enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt to help pay for the World War II spending and debt. To help pay for this current Iraq war — and accounting for inflation since 1944 — a person earning a yearly income in 2004 of $200,000,000 (two hundred million dollars) would have paid federal taxes at a rate of 94 percent, rather than at a minuscule rate approaching 1 percent. And a portion of these trillions must be sent back to the cities, as was done with federal revenues during and after World War II.
With the large and sufficient revenues the federal government received each year from 1944 to 1961 — by way of the tax rates enacted under President Roosevelt in 1944 — the U.S. government paid off the World War II debts, had a surplus and returned sufficient monies to cities and states to pay educators humane salaries at state colleges, universities, and elementary and high schools. Back in the '50s and '60s, students studying for a degree — and their parents — did not go deeply into debt.
I will not advocate a trolley system. I would hire more police to patrol areas near the university so students are safe. And Will Sandstrom will act strongly to reduce the property taxes, water bill, illegal parking, overtime parking, wrong-side-of-the-street parking fines, etc. I will work to enact the following ordinance: On all streets in the city of Madison, the alternate side-parking rules are in effect only when a snow emergency has been declared. To not improve the current snow emergency ordinance, but instead to continue to enforce an illegal night-parking fine — with hardly any snow — is proof that the current mayor is a crook and a night wallet-burglar. Will Sandstrom would not be a crook, a robber, as is the current mayor. Madison does not need a crook as mayor. Madison and America need a man of wisdom.
Will Sandstrom, a retired Ph.D. biochemist, is running for mayor.