I am disappointed and frustrated by the Badger Herald's decision to print this past Friday's edition of the "Better Left Unsaid" comic. Though usually offensive and distasteful, Friday's comic crossed the line. I'll repeat the last line for those who weren't able to read it. "As long as he's not white, you're more credible."
This comic is clearly racist and should be treated as any other racist part of your paper would be-eliminated. The fact that this is a comic does not excuse blatant racism. I don't know how the Herald could continue to print such a cruel and offensive aspect of its publication.
We are all a part of a world-renowned university that claims to foster an academic environment accepting to all people, and yet initiatives such as the Chancellor's "Plan 2008" Forum have largely failed to improve the conditions on campus for people of all racial, religious, and sexual groups. This semester, the Education Trust even went as far as to give the UW a "C" for minority access.
This comic points to the root of this problem. It is unacceptable for our student-led newspaper to portray racist attitudes, in any form. We as a student body must recognize and strive to change aspects of our campus community that stand as obstacles for the equality of all.
I'm a student who stands up for change and I call on you, The Badger Herald, to act. Every student deserves to be free from a racist atmosphere. We all must ensure that our university is one of inclusivity and acceptance.
Ben Emmrich
Classics and History Major