For the past few weeks the Vote Coalition has registered over 4,000 students across campus. The coalition consists of ASM, WISPRIG, MCSC, Impact, USSA, United Council, University Housing, the office of Dean of students, Homecoming committee, TAA, Campus women's center, and Wisconsin BSU.
These registration numbers were totaled after education events at Liz Waters, Ogg, and Witte; the Get the Scoop Event on Bascom Hill; registration of numerous Greek fraternities and sororities; and endless hours of tabling around campus. The coalition and its dedicated volunteers are overly excited as November 7th approaches. They can be seen all over campus asking students to sign pledge cards and notifying them of their polling location. (Polling locations can be found at Trick-or-Vote, a statewide event Halloween night, generated nearly 500 pledge cards. The sidewalks are plastered with reminders to vote on Tuesday. Classes will be flooded with class reps inviting students to use their power and vote. Look for the Vote Coalition at Library Mall on November 6th from 2-6 pm for a carnival event that will provide hot chocolate for committed voters. The coalition has made it nearly impossible to forget to vote on Election Day. Don't forget there is same day registration so there is NO excuse to not be at the polls.
Becca Zwiefelhofer
2006 Vote Coalition
Election Day Committee