I discovered from Mr. Keith Nevitt's LTE in the Sept. 26 issue that true to form, Tammy Baldwin's campaign supporters are already being thoroughly disingenuous in their attempts to smear Dave Magnum, his record and his positions on the issues.
One only needs to listen to the actual recording of the interview, which is readily available on the Wisconsin Public Radio Web site, to find Dave Magnum's true position on Social Security reform. Magnum supports giving citizens the option of investing a portion of their Social Security.
I stress, Magnum supports an entirely voluntary program that grants citizens the right to make their own choices. Don't want to invest part of your Social Security in the stock market? No problem — you don't have to. Dave Magnum supports personal choice. After all, it is our money — something that Tammy Baldwin and her supporters seem to conveniently forget.
Baldwin's incompetence has led her to be ranked 424 out of 438 U.S. Representatives by a nonpartisan Congressional power ranking system based on position, influence and legislative activity. We couldn't have received a more appropriate ranking for a congresswoman that found enough time this year to give herself a pay raise in Congress but ignored the problems that our generation will face with Social Security.
It's not surprising that we aren't seeing a more dignified campaign from her. I guess when you have no record to run on, you run on smear and fear.
It's time to stop Tammy Baldwin's inaction in Washington and her deception back home. We need a change in Congress. Vote Dave Magnum Nov. 7.
Angela Wang is a UW-Madison junior.