When Mayor Dave Cieslewicz unveiled his most recent budget, one of his listed goals was to "maintain a strong commitment to public safety." Cieslewicz announced Sunday his 2007 executive budget would include $2 million dedicated to beefing up the Madison Police Department to ensure this goal is realized.
We tip our hat to the effort; over the next few years, it will add 10 more officers to the police force, provide for new squad cars, and fund staffing studies and community service programs — all with the intent of making bolstering public safety.
Even just last year, walking downtown in Madison was something most students and residents didn't give a second thought to. We ambled home after a late night at the library or from getting drinks at a favorite bar, and we did so without worrying about being mugged or assaulted.
This changed significantly late last semester when a rash of crimes hit the city and continued throughout the summer and into the fall. Residents walking downtown alone became the targets of violent crimes that ranged from beatings to muggings to sexual assaults. What's more, the city set a new record yesterday for the number of bank robberies that have occurred this year — a number that is sure to grow.
MPD has worked diligently to investigate the incidents, and their labors have brought the arrests of several of the men responsible for some of the downtown attacks. But Mayor Dave and Police Chief Noble Wray have recognized that the demands of a growing population and increases in crime rates require major steps to take the issue of safety head-on.
Through his proposal, Mayor Dave has proven that he is serious about quelling the onslaught of downtown crimes. We urge the Madison Common Council to do the same and approve this measure in November to help make downtown a safer place.