Like most buzzwords, “campus climate” is both ubiquitous and ambiguous. Some students apply the word to the attitude on campus regarding racial issues, and that certainly is an important issue. But we are pleased Chancellor Wiley, who has said campus climate is his number one priority, sees the issue more broadly.
In an interview with The Badger Herald Wiley gave a new definition of climate, one with multiple aspects. Campus climate includes diversity relations in an ethnic sense, but also gender diversity — Wiley noted obstacles facing women in engineering — and intellectual diversity. Campus climate involves student-student relations, as well as student-faculty, faculty-faculty, and faculty-staff relations. In short, campus climate is about the environment between all persons on all levels.
We are hopeful this broader focus will be applied to the upcoming search for a new dean of students. A commitment to diversity — the primary focus in the last selection process — is essential for the benefit of all UW students. But the benefits of diversity will be realized only if there is an equal commitment to academic freedom and a climate that encourages inquiry and debate. You cannot have one without the other.
As the selection process begins — ASM is now accepting applications for students interested in serving on the search committee — it is important to understand the new dean will not have this broader definition of campus climate by accident. Rather the priorities of the new dean will reflect the priorities of the committee that selects him or her. ASM must resist the temptation to include only the usual suspects and instead seek students representative of all viewpoints.
Due to a conflict of interest Alexander Conant was not involved in the discussion regarding this editorial and will not take part in any future discussions regarding the search for a new dean of students