Associated Students of Madison Student Council made final amendment decisions for three of the available ASM positions Wednesday, specifically increasing the hours of the Press Office positions in an overall effort to raise awareness of ASM’s goals, activities and events.
In their first meeting of the spring semester, Student Council moved to increase the hours of the two Press Office Assistants from eight to 12 per week without much debate.
ASM Nominations Board Chair Theo Sharpe said the description of duties for the press office assistants are posted on the ASM website, and after interviews this coming Saturday two candidates will be chosen for approval by Student Council at the next meeting Feb. 10.
However, Sharpe expressed his frustration over the inability to attract a candidate to the ASM webmaster position.
“For the past couple months we’ve been trying to fill that position. There are many reasons it hasn’t been filled, but the amount of pay being offered is insignificant to what is being offered [for the webmaster position] in other places,” Sharpe said.
Currently, the webmaster position pays $9.19 per hour for five hours a week.
According to the position’s responsibilities, ASM’s Press Office is looking for the webmaster to work with Coordinating Council and Student Council in developing the ASM website. Changes would make it more updated, accessible and user-friendly as well as able to generate interest in the activities of ASM on campus.
“To hire the best person we might need to up it to [$]13 an hour to get a very, very good webmaster for this position,” Sharpe said.
With no audible opposition and one abstaining vote, Student Council approved the decision for “up to $13 per hour” for “up to 10” hours per week for the position. Applications for webmaster are still being accepted until Jan. 29.
Student Council Chair Tyler Junger motioned to create a new line item in the budget for future Madison Initiative Oversight Board meetings based on the food he purchased for the board during the recent 12 hours of review and recommendations.
“In the past, ASM has provided food to individuals working for our causes during meal times — the Textbook Swap, for instance — and I’m seeking this budget alteration so I may be reimbursed for my costs,” Junger said.
Junger added instead of moving the cost of $42.46 for the food into a line item of the Shared Governance committee budget, as was suggested by Representative Eric Paulsen, an opinion writer at The Badger Herald, this will set aside a specific, minimal fund that can be used by future members.
During the succinct meeting, Wisconsin Student Public Interest Research Group Chair Scott Thompson commended ASM and Student Council for their efforts in coordinating the Haiti Day of Action.
“What happened in Haiti was a complete and utter catastrophe. The entire country is in ruins,” Thompson said. “Whether it’s an hour, four hours or just donating your pocket change, anything would be a great help.”
To finalize their call for action and participation in the Haiti Day of Action, members of Student Council will volunteer at least an hour of their time-tabling on campus.