At least one shot was fired during an attempted robbery at the East Washington Street Walgreens early Friday morning.
Several officers from the Madison Police Department responded to reports of an attempted armed robbery at 3710 E. Washington St. The suspect has not been apprehended and the investigation is ongoing.
Surveillance footage of the incident shows a white male with a stocky build wearing dark clothing and a mask entering Walgreens with a pistol drawn around 1:16 a.m. According to the incident report, the suspect headed for the pharmacy area and approached the pharmacist. He jumped a counter, chased an employee and fired a shot before fleeing.
The scene has since been processed for evidence.
The location, including its pharmacy, is open 24 hours a day. At the time of the incident, multiple employees and customers were present. No injuries were reported.
The nature of the crime suggests an attempt at obtaining drugs rather than money, MPD Sgt. Jason Ostrenga said.
“My guess is that the suspect was after prescription drugs,” he said.
Ald. Larry Palm, District 15, said the event was in no way indicative of a rising trend in crime for the area, but that continued safety should be a priority.
“It would be hard to pick one situation, one event, and portray that as a rise in crime,” Palm said. “Most of the crime in the area is nonviolent; we will always maintain vigilance, but this is very much an extreme case.”
Palm added Madison is an urbanized city and some people think they can use crime to advance their own aims.
Individuals with information regarding the incident are encouraged to contact Madison Crime Stoppers at (608) 266-6014. Callers may choose to remain anonymous and may qualify for a cash reward.