Major renovations to the Lisa Link Peace Park on State Street are the subject of a meeting set for tonight; opinions favoring the renovations are expected to clash with those fearing the plans are merely an attempt to remove its current users.
Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the park in its current state can be an intimidating atmosphere to Madison residents, given its use by the transient population.
“The activity that we’ve allowed to go on in the park discourages the public from enjoying it,” Verveer said. “In an area that’s very park-deficient, I’ve always thought it very sad that people don’t take advantage of the Peace Park.”
Verveer added he thinks the park is a tragically underutilized city park, particularly given its downtown location.
Ald. Bryon Eagon, District 8, had similar opinions on current plans for the park.
“Overall, I think change to the park will be beneficial to the downtown community,” Eagon said. “Any effort to improve green space in the urban community is a step in the right direction.”
The hope is to create a more inviting landscape that could be used by more members of the community than it currently serves while honoring the traditions of community, activism and peace that have become a hallmark of Madison, Verveer said.
Verveer added he has been pushing renovations to the park for years and with the plans getting off the ground recently, opinions from students are in great demand. He said invitations to meetings which detail the plans for the park have been distributed to many student residences in the area.
“I hope students take an active role in the renovations; it’s my hope that students become users of the park,” Verveer said.
According to Verveer, the planned renovations include a visitor information center, public bathrooms, an interactive fountain, performance space and increased seating. The project is estimated to cost around $1 million.
Pending approval and further construction plans, ground could be broken in January 2010 with the expected completion some-time in July 2010.
The meeting is scheduled for tonight at 7 p.m. at the Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel on 220 W. Gilman St..