Kicking off their spring semester by discussing “sexy subjects” Thursday, the University of Wisconsin College Democrats want to shift its focus back to state and local issues.
Chair Claire Rydell said College Democrats is going to focus on ideas formulated by members of the organization. She added it will channel its energy toward “Get Out the Vote” as well as state and local elections.
“I heard a lot of people saying, ‘Yes, we did,’ and that makes me nervous,” said Andrew Voss, vice chair of College Democrats. “Now is the time to say, ‘Yes, we can.’ We have to hold elected leaders accountable.”
Speaking at the meeting was Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, chair of the Committee on Finance,
Pocan said for the first time in 21 years, Wisconsin has a Democratic majority, adding Democrats want to give women the right to dictate their health care decisions, make education more affordable and help make the environment “green.”
“It was so nice to watch Obama get sworn in and watch Bush take off,” Pocan said. “It was a warm moment.”
Pocan added when the Republicans were in power, he had to make decisions on “the stupidest issues,” including getting coded license plates for sex offenders’ cars and lessening gay and women’s rights.
Pocan said he, along with many Democrats, supports a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. He added reproduction is a choice.
“Birth control is birth control and not Satan’s little pill,” he said.
However, Kristen Wall, co-chair of College Republicans said reproductive choice is not a very Republican stance on abortion. She continued by saying the College Republicans and the Republican Party believe life begins at conception.
College Republicans had its first meeting of 2009 Tuesday.
Pocan said Wisconsin is the second-best state to get health care, as 98 percent of the population is covered. However, he added affordable health care is at the expense of employees being laid off.
Pocan noted unemployment benefits have been extended, but said it is necessary to create jobs, and said 45 states are in deficit.
He introduced a “sexy” proposal to create several green jobs by using solar wind and geothermal energy, adding this change in energy will not only open up the job market with “good-paying jobs” but create cleaner air in Wisconsin.
Another “sexy” Democratic plan Pocan spoke about was adding a statewide smoking ban.
However, Wall said the economy is in a very poor state and it is better for Wisconsin citizens to find jobs rather than create “green” jobs.
Rydell said the job of Democrats has just begun and said the College Democrats are considering collectively endorsing a candidate for Dane County executive and for the aldermanic races in District 5 and 8.
“We just took office,” Pocan said. “If we don’t get things done in time, we’re just like the former regime in charge of the state government.”