Fans of Pilsners might want to mark their calendars: On Oct. 1, Frank’s Distributing of Middleton is planning to re-release the classic Schlitz formula in its traditional brown bottle to select liquor stores and pubs in Madison.
Regent Street Liquor and Riley’s Wines of the World, among others, have confirmed their plans to start selling the beer in conventional six-packs beginning Wednesday.
Signs of an impending release of classic Schlitz in Madison were spotted months ago, an employee at Regent Street Liquor said. A few months ago customers started asking about the release of Schlitz because it had been released in Milwaukee, Chicago and the Twin Cities in June.
Madison fans of the brew have been clamoring for a release in their own city, and liquor stores all around the Madison area have been fielding questions about if and when they would be getting a supply of Schlitz.
Last week the thirst of the devotees had been quenched. Regent Liquor, and a number of other local stores, began receiving promotional materials. As soon as promotions began, Regent Liquor and Riley’s began taking preorders for the lager.
According to the Schlitz website, the popular Pilsner, whose flavor has been called everything from smooth and clean to hearty and full-flavored, was one of the most successful beers in the past century. At one time it was the largest brewery in the world.
Schlitz pioneered the practice of putting beer in brown bottles to prevent skunking the beer through light exposure.
Pabst brewery, based in Illinois, is now brewing the original recipe of Schlitz and coined its re-release slogan as “Go for the Gusto.”
Sales dropped in the 1980s as the recipe changed and the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company faced labor disputes and cost cuts. The company was acquired by the Stroh Brewing Company, which was then acquired by the Pabst Brewing Company.
The recent rediscovery of the original recipe, however, has spurred the production of classic Schlitz by Pabst in the hope that it can find its niche amongst nostalgic lager fans.
As of now, it is unclear whether the re-release will be an extended or limited-time distribution.
Representatives from Frank Distributors and Pabst Brewing Company were unavailable for comment Friday.