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The Student Services Finance Committee unanimously approved funding for student groups Promoting Awareness and Victim Empowerment and Student Leadership Program Thursday.
To be eligible to receive funding, a student group must meet several criteria, including reaching all University of Wisconsin students, making students their principal focus, having no substantial equivalents on campus and offering no academic credit for their services.
SSFC members agreed both groups provide direct services accessible to all students and are unique to the campus community.
SSFC member Zorian Lasowsky said SLP fulfilled the criteria due to the leadership programs they conduct during the year for different groups on campus.
“They’re [students] gaining essential leadership skills,” Lasowsky said. “I see comprehensive leadership education as the service.”
PAVE President Ally Cruickshank said the organization provides a unique service on campus because it is the only group that has peer-to-peer workshops and outreach regarding sexual violence.
“We’re a face on campus, and we’re able to talk to students and just give them as much information as we can,” Cruickshank said.
SSFC also conducted eligibility hearings for Engineers without Borders and the Legal Information Center.
Matt Lind, LIC co-director, said the group has two main services: providing an avenue for students to find legal information for themselves and providing the opportunity for law students and undergraduates to learn how to deal with clients and conduct legal research. He added LIC is open to all students, covering a wide range of legal issues including tenant-landlord problems and drinking tickets.
“We look into every single client that comes to our door,” Lind said. “We pursue that person’s questions until we hear that person is satisfied.”
Eyleen Chou, EWB financial manager, said the group frequently sends students overseas to developing countries to work on community projects such as waste management and water sanitation systems.
Chou said their goal is to enhance the quality of life in disadvantaged communities. In addition to the trips the group plans, EWB holds events on campus such as their sustainable lecture series.
SSFC will decide EWB and LIC’s eligibility on Monday.
The committee also decided to postpone radio station WSUM’s eligibility for the General Student Service Funds until its next meeting.