The Wisconsin Alumni Student Board will host auditions next week to decide the 10 finalists to compete to be this year’s All Campus Idol.
The auditions will be held Friday, April 4 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, April 6 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday, April 10 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
"We’re looking for any vocal talent,” said Josh Wolf, chair of the All Campus Idol committee. “We really want to shine the light on people here at the university who have skills."
WASB will host All Campus Idol Tuesday, April 22 as part of All Campus Party, an annual week-long, cost-free and alcohol-free celebration.
According to Michael Jurken, a finalist from last year’s competition, the audition consisted of singing a song verse and chorus a capella or with accompaniment, like guitar or piano.
A panel of people from within the WASB organization will be at all the tryouts to select the performers who will be notified of the panel’s decision by e-mail, according to All Campus Party co-chair Justin McGivern.
“Anyone that wants to audition can audition,” Wolf said, explaining why they chose to spread out auditions over three different days with different time slots.
After selecting the 10 finalists, WASB hosted a social for them last year before the performance where they went to dinner and recorded video clips about themselves to be played at the show, Jurken said.
According to Wolf, the winner will open for Talib Kweli on Wednesday, April 23 and new this year, the runner-up will perform at the Redefined concert on Friday, April 25.
All finalists will receive a “grab bag” with prizes, such as gift certificates to local restaurants, provided by local and corporate sponsorship, Wolf added.
UW junior Charles Kim, a finalist from last year, said a year’s supply of free Chipotle burritos for the winner of All Campus Idol last year was a major incentive for him to try out. Although the prizes for this year’s finalists and All Campus Idol have yet to be determined, Kim said he plans to try out again.
McGivern added, like American Idol, there will be three “celebrity” judges from campus but the student body will choose the winner through an online voting process.
Both Jurken and Kim said it was a great experience to perform in front of people and recommend people try out.