The Hillel House hosted Ishai Menuchin, an Israeli national and a major in the military, speaking on the issue of Israeli-led Palestinian occupation.
Mr. Menuchin is a self-proclaimed “refuser.” He believes that Israel should have a military to defend itself, but he refuses to serve in missions of occupation. He sees no benefit from the occupation of the Palestinian areas.
“I came to differentiate between Israel and the Israeli people,” Menuchin said.
As a lieutenant in the Israeli army, he was assigned to arrest a Palestinian citizen who attacked Israeli soldiers with a grenade. After Menuchin arrested the suspect in his home in a refugee camp, another lieutenant retained him. The lieutenant started beating the suspect, screaming at him to escape — knowing if he did, the lieutenant would have jurisdiction to shoot a running fugitive.
Menuchin was horrified but did nothing. His moral judgment was blocked by his obedience to the Israeli government, something he cites as a major problem. It turned out the suspect was not the attacker but just the cousin of the attacker.
Shortly after his service on active duty, Menuchin went to college and started an organization for refusers. Yesh Gvul (which translates to “There is a limit”) is an organization that acts to make the voice of anti-occupation-minded Israelis heard.
Unfortunately, people who do not favor occupation of Palestinian lands are in the minority, he said. The occupation has lasted so long that it is simply accepted.
“Occupation is part of the infrastructure of the Israeli entity,” Menuchin said. “I think it is about time to find a different way to solve it.”
Menuchin stressed that this issue cannot be fought solely abroad.
“It’s time for you to be responsible Americans,” Menuchin said. “You have to get working!”
He urges all supporters of refusers to write to American government officials and to the Israeli embassy. Menuchin said the United States is the only country to foster communication between Israel and Palestine.
Audience member Monica Santa Maria said she related to Menuchin’s words.
“(I came) because my friend is a refuser,” Santa Maria said. “He’s just finishing his second sentence (in military prison) for refusing to serve on occupational missions.”