Students in Wisconsin have an opportunity to play a significant and decisive role in determining the next president of the United States, and the stakes could not be higher. From ending the war in Iraq, increasing financial aid for college, expanding affordable healthcare to all Americans, protecting the environment while creating new jobs and inspiring a new generation of youth to become engaged in politics, Sen. Barack Obama has the right policies and leadership to put the country back on track.
In a country where the last two presidential elections were decided by slim margins, a state like Wisconsin is crucial because it was won by numbers comparable to a handful of campus dorms or high-rise apartments. In 2008, students have a real chance to set the course for the future of this country. Every student on campus can and should vote here in Madison. Voting on campus is important not only because student votes will be a strong determinant in which way the state goes, but also because this is your community.
Youth turnout and student activism on campus — around Wisconsin and throughout the country — has increased considerably because of Obama’s ability to inspire young people to be engaged in politics and take charge of their own future. From the Internet to print media, candidate rallies and peer-to-peer discussions, students have the ability, but also the responsibility, to educate themselves on the candidates and their positions. Students are too smart to fall for Sen. John McCain’s distractions to divert attention from the real issues. It seems McCain would rather talk about Paris Hilton than college affordability or ending the war in Iraq. A presidential election is not the place to sensationalize and dumb down a message. We get enough of that from media and advertising geared toward our demographic already.
For many students, this election is our first chance to participate in a true American process — voting. While voting is important, students can become active by attending a political student organization meeting, registering fellow students to vote and volunteering time with a campaign. What better way to put off homework or studying than making a difference in this historic presidential election? With such a high stakes election, it is vital to know where the candidates differ. From domestic policy to international affairs, McCain is out of touch with real Americans. How can a candidate who has supported President George W. Bush 95 percent of the time claim to be a break from the past? It is clear a McCain presidency would be a continuation of the failed policies and lacking leadership we have experienced over the last eight years. We cannot afford four more years of Bush-McCain policies that support a perpetual war in Iraq, reward the super wealthy instead of the middle class and put the priorities of the special interests over the people’s interests. We need real change in Washington, and only one candidate has the vision and ability to reclaim America’s promise and principles.
Barack Obama’s life story is the story of America. Raised by a single mother, Obama worked his way through college and passed up a high-end job on Wall Street to work as a community organizer in Chicago. Obama provides the change we need because he understands the struggles and dreams of middle-class Americans. Obama’s higher education plan includes a $4,000 tax credit for students who perform 100 hours of public service a year — giving back to students who give back to their country. Obama’s health care plan expands affordable coverage to all Americans and guarantees that young adults can stay on their parents’ insurance plans until age 25.. Obama’s energy plan invests $150 billion in renewable energy projects, creating 5 million new jobs for tomorrow’s workforce. Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start and has a plan to responsibly end the war, reducing the personal and financial sacrifice that has been placed on our generation.
Which candidate understands your priorities, your ambitions and your values? Which candidate inspires you to reach your potential as an individual, but also, which candidate inspires America to reach its potential as a nation? The choice is clear. John McCain is the candidate of past and Barack Obama is the president of the future. Your voice will determine our future. Be the difference in this election. Register to vote on campus, talk to your friends, volunteer your time and become active because this election is about you.
Bryon Eagon (beagon@studentsforbarackobama.com) is the Wisconsin state coordinator of Students for Barack Obama.