Photo Courtesy of Flickr User Kmeron
Madtown refuses to slow down. Here are some upcoming events The Badger Herald recommends to keep you up to speed.
Tuesday, April 12
Banff Mountain Film Festival at the Barrymore Theatre, 7 p.m., $15
Wednesday, April 13
LGBTQ Sexual Violence On Campus at UW Red Gym, 5 p.m., free
UW Guitar Ensemble at UW Humanities Building-Morphy Hall, 7:30 p.m., free
Caroline Smith at High Noon Saloon, 8 p.m., $15
Caroline Smith wants to make Madison audience more confident in themselves
Thursday, April 14
Jay Katelansky Reception at Chazen Museum of Art, 5:00 p.m., free
Sexy Ester at Overture Center, 6:00 p.m., free
Friday, April 15
UW Union South 5th Anniversary at Union South, 7:00 a.m. to midnight, free
Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line, Blackfoot Gypsies at the Frequency, 7 p.m., $12
Saturday, April 16
Mr. Buns, a Post-Electric Play at Overture Center, 2 p.m., $45
UW Dance Department Annual Student Concerts at UW Lathrop Hall, 2:30 p.m., $17
The MadHatters at Orpheum Theater, 7 p.m., $25
Sunday, April 17
University Theatre: “Magic Time” at UW Vilas Hall-Mitchell Theatre, 2 p.m., $23
Freddie Gibbs at Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m., $20
Monday, April 18
Wisconsin Film Festival at Sundance Cinema 6, 9:15 p.m., $8