To define a moment is truly a difficult task, for it requires the presentation of simultaneous events within the temporal boundaries of said “moment.” However, there are several historical and emotional moments that accumulate throughout one’s life that remain in the mind with picture-perfect clarity. For example, my mom remembers exactly where she was, what she was doing and how she received the news when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Two weeks ago, I accumulated another one of these few, spectacularly vivid “remember everything about it” moments.
While drinking a rum and Coke at a friend’s apartment, I saw it. Yes, I was wearing my favorite button-down shirt and shorts, waiting for a song to download when it happened. I raised my arms up into the air and with a very excited, almost child-like tone, I screamed, “Yes!” I was witness to one of the sexiest scenes I have ever seen — on cable television, anyway. Madonna was kissing Britney “Not that innocent” Spears and Christina Aguilera. There they were (skin-tight pants and all) making out with each other on stage at MTV’s Video Music Awards.
Why did this particular moment conjure up more excitement and satisfaction than anything else that I have seen on TV in the last year or so? I suppose it has something to do with the common fantasies that most straight men, myself included, put at the top of their lists of sexual hopes and dreams.
This spectacle combined almost every possible fantasy: girl on girl, celebrity, younger-older, voyeurism, costume/role-playing, public display of affection, and so on. Even though I don’t know whether to thank Madonna or the dance choreographer for this “moment,” it was beautiful. I’m sure it didn’t hurt MTV’s viewer ratings either.
Fantasies vary from individual to individual, but generally speaking, there are notable differences in the fantasies of men versus the fantasies of women. The important thing to remember, however, is that all of us, whether man or woman, straight or gay, have fantasies about something or another.
After searching many hours for “sexual fantasy polls” on the internet, and many distractions from my work due to the plethora of free porn websites, I conclude that the No. 1 fantasy for average men is the ménage et trois, also known as the threesome. I will concentrate solely on this fantasy for the remainder of the column, in order to propose an explanation as to why I reacted the way that I did to this year’s highlight of the MTV Video Music Awards.
For the record, I will be using the word “threesome” in reference to three people engaged in sexual activity, and for the sake of this article, the participants will be two girls and one guy. Though I do not wish to imply that any other combination is bad, I am simply using as an example my own personal fantasy, in which the two other participants are women. Ladies, before you call me a pig, let me try to explain to the best of my ability why this turns me (and most men) on.
First, the threesome adds a new dimension to the possibilities of sex. Theoretically, in a world of over-indulgence such as ours, the more stimulation that can be achieved, the better the sex would feel. With three people, there are six hands, three mouths, 30 fingers, and many other, um … options.
Secondly, because we are naturally hungry for more, two is always better than one when speaking of things that are beautiful or desirable. For you lovely ladies, would you rather buy one pair of shoes, or two? It is not that one woman cannot satisfy us, but rather “the more, the merrier.”
Finally, most men are more aroused by visual stimuli, opposed to the majority of women, who prefer emotional stimulation. Therefore, by watching sexual activity between two people, we are turned on. Naturally, then, a straight man would likely be more turned on by watching two women have a sexual encounter than another man and a woman.
These aspects of male sexual desire thus present an explanation of why we are turned on by the sight of two women kissing. When two women lock lips in front of an audience, the mind and blood of a typical man begins to race, because kissing often leads to further sexual contact. My imagination of what might have happened backstage after the performance may not be accurate, but I would like to thank Madonna, Britney and Christina one more time for their sexy performance anyway.
Remember, part of the attraction of a fantasy is that it is not always achieved or achievable. So ladies, if your boyfriend smiles at the thought of two women, don’t hold it against him; I’m sure he doesn’t hold the fantasy you have about Brad Pitt, Paul Walker or Colin Farrell against you.
Unlike the threesome, when it comes to STDs, the more is not the merrier — wear a condom.
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