Draft? No way
Some people in the media are using the prospect of a draft as a scare tactic to get young people to vote against Bush. Come on! That is ridiculous. Bush will not reinstate conscription and no one has shown me proof to the contrary. If there are problems with force numbers, pay and benefits will be increased far before a draft is instated.
It is pathetic how far some people are willing to go to win this election, including spreading speculation AS FACT. If you can show me proof (not conjecture) that the Bush White House has a draft plan in place and intends to use it in the next four years, please send it to me. Do you have any clue the political fall out of a draft? Republicans would lose the House and the Senate and wouldn't get into the white house for 12 years. Republicans are not stupid; they know the consequences to such an action, the riots, the protests, and the political fall out.
Most democrats know that Bush wouldn't do such a thing. In the last 100 years, the only Presidents to instate a draft have been Democrats and I think that drives most democrats CRAZY. If another person mentions the word Draft , I want hard proof, not some figures that the author doesn't fully understand. Ask the Pentagon if they need a draft. They say NO. As a solider if they want a draft, they say NO, but you ask a left wing opinion columnist if America needs a draft, and he says yes. I don’t know who is worst, the guy who had the opinion, or the guy who passes off the opinion as fact. Give me a break.